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Membership Benefits

Race Reimbursement

Let’s face it, racing isn’t free. The team will refund 50% of your race fees up to $200. For example, if you spend $400 in race fees in one year, the team will give you $200 back at the end of the year.  Some conditions apply; you must race in current Captiol Velo kit (minimum of jersey and black shorts) and you must be a member in good standing at the time of the event.


Team Kit:

Road Category 1 /2, Mountain Bike Elite and Cyclocross Category 1/2 racers will also be eligible to receive reimbursement for one kit (jersey & shorts or skinsuit).  Our kit is made to order by Pactimo.  Through Pactimo we've elected to pass any savings directly to members, none of the cost of the garments are put into bank account of Capitol Velo.  We generally have the store opened 2x per year; in the Spring and Fall.  We do have a limited number of garments available from the team store.

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Team Discounts

Team members are eligible for a 15% discount on parts and accessories at Scott’s Cycle & Fitness and a discount on on a new Trek from Trek Bicycle and Scott's Cycle & Fitness.


Member Expectations


When riding your bike welcome new folks to rides, stop when someone has a mechanical, come prepared with enough food & water, carry a flat tire repair kit, and always obey the rules of the road.



The team raises funds two ways, dues and events. Events are by far the largest source of income for the team. The races we put on happen only with the help of a HUGE number of volunteers. Whether you sign up to promote an event, help coordinate volunteers or just take a shift or two on the day of the event, your participation makes it all possible. At a minimum, we expect team members to volunteer for two or more of the races the team promotes or supports each year.



Each year, the team targets a select number of races throughout the region as ‘priority’ events. These are events where we want to ensure the team has a strong turn out and puts our teammates on the podium. Please make every effort to turn out for these races.



We ask that you wear the most current Capitol Velo cycling kit (blue stripes) at all the races you enter and list Capitol Velo as your team.

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©2025 by Capitol Velo Cycling. Proudly created with

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